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The dangers of “woke culture” and “cancel culture”

As a trained professional and bible believer, I am deeply concerned about the rise of "woke culture" and "cancel culture" in our society. While these movements believe they are rooted with good intentions, they have spiraled out of control and now pose a serious threat to our individual rights, freedoms, and well-being.

First, let's define what we mean by "woke culture." Essentially, this term refers to a set of beliefs and practices that center around social justice issues, particularly those related to race, gender, and sexuality. While these issues are undoubtedly important, the problem with woke culture lies in its tendency to exaggerate or distort facts, oversimplify complex issues, and demonize anyone who disagrees with its worldview.

One of the most insidious aspects of woke culture is its reliance on cancel culture as a means of enforcing its ideology. Cancel culture involves publicly shaming, ostracizing, and even punishing individuals who are deemed to have violated the norms of the woke movement. This can take the form of social media campaigns, boycotts, or even job loss.

The dangers of cancel culture are many. For one, it is deeply illiberal and antithetical to the principles of free speech and open debate that are essential to a healthy democracy. It also creates a climate of fear and self-censorship, where individuals are afraid to express their opinions or engage in dialogue for fear of being targeted by the cancel mob. However as a faithful christian we will not yield to fear and propaganda. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7).

Moreover, cancel culture often operates without due process or evidence, relying instead on rumors, hearsay, or flimsy accusations. This can lead to innocent people being falsely accused and punished, ruining their reputations and livelihoods. In short, cancel culture is a form of mob justice that undermines the very foundations of a just and fair society.

As a bible believer, I am also deeply troubled by the moralistic fervor and judgmentalism that characterizes woke culture and cancel culture. Jesus himself warned against the dangers of self-righteousness and hypocrisy, calling on his followers to "judge not, lest ye be judged" (Matthew 7:1). The apostle John let’s us know if we judge make sure its “righteous judgment” (John 7:24). Not self righteous but the righteousness of God’s holy and divine word (Psalm 119:123).

In other words, we should be careful not to become so obsessed with the power of a culture less we forget the power of God. Not a single one of us are perfect yet in a sexually perverse world we must strive for moral purity. That way we won‘t lose sight of our own fallibility and desperate need for God’s grace. We should also be wary of the tendency to demonize those who hold different beliefs or values, remembering that all human beings are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

In conclusion, the dangers of woke culture and cancel culture are manifold and should not be underestimated. Years ago neither movement would’ve been named among you but today people are more bold to their pursuits of equality. As individuals, we must resist the urge to participate in these movements and instead strive for greater empathy, understanding, and dialogue. As a society, we must not become so woke that we fall asleep at the will or so cancel hungry that we starve out the “light of the world“ (Mat. 5:14). Furthermore we must uphold the principles of free speech, due process, and individual rights that are essential to a healthy democracy. Let us work towards a more just and compassionate world, where all individuals are valued and respected. In other words regardless of our beliefs or backgrounds we agree to disagree.

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